N-paper name (BAL) by Herb Zinser translates newspaper articles and other news events .
Newspapers use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message .
List of topics, articles, subject covered .. in the sequence of occurrence over the next 30 pages.
This news analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a news article
The Earth Lab human TEST activity is first ... then the newspaper / magazine report ...and then the TRANSLATE of the report using basic math, physics, biochemistry college textbooks, etc. Thus the newspaper prints some pieces to a puzzle .. and the reader is asked to figure out the other pieces ... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT .
Herb Zinser provides some data about Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces.......
the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we understand Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities".
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get mapped to the destination range of physical biology with human activities on the geography surface of EARTH.
Let's look at some news articles and TRANSLATE the embedded subset codes and concepts.
Thanks to Isaac Asimov .....
The Foundation series is a science THEORY .. thought implants of mathematical power series .... VIA a series of books by Isaac Asimov. For nearly thirty years, the series was a trilogy: Foundation, Foundation and Empire, ...
The Foundation series is a science fiction series of books by Isaac Asimov. For nearly thirty ... Prelude to Foundation opens on the planet Trantor, the empire's capital planet, the day after Hari Seldon has given a speech at a conference.
Basic Assembly Language (BAL) is the commonly used term for a low-level programming language used on IBM System/360 and successor mainframes.
Purpose: Use the DD (data definition) statement to describe a data set and to specify the input and output resources needed for the data set. The parameters you can specify for data set definition are arranged alphabetically in the topic of "DD Statement".
Data Definition (DD) statement. A data definition (DD) statement is a job control statement that defines a data set to the operating system, and is a request to the operating system for the allocation of input/output resources.
Data definition (DD) statements define the data sets that a program or procedure uses when it runs. You must code one DD statement for each data set that is used or created within a job step. ... In addition to its one positional parameter, the DD statement has well over 50 keyword ...
With Hitler’s armies in control of most of mainland Europe, the Allies knew that a successful invasion of the continent was central to winning the war. ... On the morning of June 5, 1944, U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the supreme commander of Allied forces in Europe gave the go ...
On this day in History, Allies prepare for D-Day on Jun 05, 1944. Learn more about what happened today on History.
data value --> A B C D
Location ----> 1 2 3 4
Therefore year 1944 --> DD equivalence 44
The Falklands War also known as the Falklands Conflict, Falklands Crisis, and the Guerra del ... It began on Friday, 2 April 1982, when Argentina invaded and occupied the Falkland Islands (and, the following day, South Georgia and the South ...
It began on Friday, 2 April 1982
It began on Friday, 2 April (4th month ...Jan, Feb, March, April) in 1982
It began on Friday, 2 exponent 4 --> base 16 hexadecimal WAR starts

ARgentina --> arg parallel code --> argument / problems ....._
Argonne National Laboratory is a science engineering , social science engineering, and brain engineering research national laboratory operated by UChicago Argonne LLC for the United States Department of …
Argonne-UChicago researchers work to annihilate societies BULL-SHIT song and dance .... and work on nanoscale defects in semiconductors and human social semi-conduct
Researchers from the University of Chicago and Argonne use the supercomputing ...
Advanced Photon Source .... electric light bulb, science textbook and a newspaper event DATABASE,
human eye /retina / optical nerve with
photon data stream of information ....
input to the bio-optical-computer
SYMBOL and CONCEPT processor
Advanced Photon Source. An Office of Science National User Facility. Main menu. About; Safety; ... Argonne National Laboratory. View All . Seminars, Training, …
It began on Friday, 2 April 1982
It began on Friday, 2 April (4th month ...Jan, Feb, March, April) in 1982
It began on Friday, 2 exponent 4 -->number 16 ... 1982 --> 82 --> 8 multiply 2 = 16
It began on Friday, 2 April 1982
It began on Friday, 2 April (4th month ...Jan, Feb, March, April) in 1982
It began on Friday, 2 exponent 4 -->number 16 ... 19 --> the new version ..hexadecimal coulombs WAR starts
Coulombs VERSUS Culottes
Culottes are items of clothing worn on the lower half. The case of culottes meaning split skirts, historical men's breeches, or women's under-pants is an example of fashion-industry words taken from ... The French word culotte is (a pair of) panties, pants, knickers, trousers, shorts, or (historically) breeches; derived from the ...
shop.nordstrom.com › Women › Pants & Shorts
Shop for women's culotte pants and shorts at Nordstrom.com. Browse pleated culottes, print gaucho pants and more. Totally free shipping and returns.
Below, Nature's military charge of atomic nuclei in the Falklands
VIA British and Argentine human action figures as data generating ....
information display devices
It began on Friday, 2 April 1982
It began on Friday, 2 April (4th month ...Jan, Feb, March, April) in 1982
It began on Friday, 2 exponent 4 -->number 16 ... 1982 --> 82 --> Mirror 28 --> pointer to nitrogen molecule in the atmosphere and the human LUNG ......
It began on Friday, 2 April 1982
It began on Friday, 2 April (4th month ...Jan, Feb, March, April) in 1982
It began on Friday, 2 exponent 4 -->
number 16 ... 1982 --> 82 --> 28 LU --> Logical Unit --> LUNG with oxygen base 16
The Yugoslav Wars were a series of ethnically-based wars and insurgencies fought from 1991 ..... Reports of sexual violence during the Bosnian War (1992–1995) and ... Slovenia and Croatia declare independence in June, Macedonia in ...
Insurgency in the Republic of Macro subroutines
played out Mac region --> Macedonia (2001)
The insurgency in the Republic of Macedonia was an armed conflict in
Tetovo which began when the ethnic
Albanian National Liberation Army (NLA) militant group began attacking the
security forces of the
Republic of Macedonia at the beginning of February 2001, and ended with the
Ohrid Agreement. The goal of the NLA was to give greater rights and autonomy to the country's Albanian minority, who make up 25.2% (54.7% of the population in Tetovo) of the population of Macedonia.
[68][69] There were also claims that the group ultimately wished to see Albanian-majority areas secede from the country,
[70] although high-ranking NLA members have denied this.
IBM OS Assembler Language: Subroutines, Macros and Tables (Data Processing Training Series) [Donna N. Tabler] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on ...
Assembly Language Training:
Part 6 (2 of 9) -
Macro Pre-Processor
(Standard Macros for Macedonia human bio-computers)
Information on the members of the Wisconsin State Assembly.
Assembly Language Training:
Part 6 (2 of 9) -
Macro Pre-Processor
(Standard BIG MAC hamburger Macros for the State Leg ..Legislature)
Assemblur Lag..uage Training:
Part 6 (2 of 9) -
Macro Pre-Processor Macro Pre-Processor
.....cro P re-Processor
(Standard Alzheimer's brain harvest Macros )
Assembly Language Training:
Part 6 (2 of 9) -
Macro Pre-Processor
(Standard Macros for manipulating Star Trek fans and
the human bio-computer
MIND Meld Macro with the
Melda Macro ..... parallel approximation by a proper noun that mimics DR. Spock the Vulcan ....
annexation proper nouns trick....
Imelda Romuáldez Marcos (born 2 July 1929) is the widow of Ferdinand Marcos, the 10th president of the Philippines. She served as First Lady from 1965 to ...
Apr 2, 2014 - Imelda Marcos served as the first lady of the Philippines for 20 years. She and her husband, Ferdinand Marcos, became infamous for their ...
Sep 23, 2012 - But part of Imelda Marcos' shoe stash, left behind after she and her dictator husband were driven out of the Philippines, has been badly ...
The recent seizure of works of art believed to have been acquired through ill-gotten wealth by Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos are a reminder of the enduring ...
..in other words
The recent seizure of works of art (blood arteries with iron Heme Group) .... we believed to have been acquired through ill-gotten wealth by Fer (Ferrous oxide iron atom agent) Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos are a reminder of the enduring ...
Thus the shoe ....KEYWORD CONCEPT about the COMPUTER EARTH ........ order entry system ..... thus the use of the human 2-legs (like 2 fingers on a computer keyboard) upon the EARTH flat geography surface (the land as a Mother Nature's computer keyboard)
The human body weight applies the pressure to the EARTH geography keyboard ...thus the information transfer VIA the leg to the shoe ..... to COMPUTER EARTH.
--> militant wing --> algebra subset codes --> mil wi --> information pointer to Milwaukee Wisconsin and the SYMBOL MACHINE engines in the Midwest
News code words--> IS denies MIS attack on Fa site -->
translated with Isaac Asimov...
- Trantor is a plan code of planet in Is --> Info systems agent --> Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series and Empire series of science THOUGHT IMPLANT novels.
- Trantor was first mentioned in Asimov's short story, "Black Friar of the Flame", later collected in The Early Asimov, Volume 1. It was described as a human-settled planet in the part of the galaxy not ruled by an intelligent reptilian race.
- Later, Trantor gained prominence when the 1940s Foundation series first appeared in print. As…
New code words--> IS denies MIS attack on Fa site -->
translated with Isaac Asimov...
Milwaukee firefighters battle the five-alarm fire at the Falk Corp.
Falklands War; Map outlining the British recapture of the islands: Date: 2 April – 14 June 1982 (2 months, 1 week and 5 days) Location: Falkland Islands, South ..
........ history repeats itself
Falklands War; Map outlining the British recapture of the islands: Date: 2 April – 14 June 1982 (2 months, 1 week and 5 days) Location: Falkland Islands, South ..
2006 Falk Corporation explosion
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The 2006 Falk Corporation explosion refers to a large and fatal propane gas explosion at a Falk Corporation building in the industrial Menomonee River Valley neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, on Wednesday morning December 6, 2006.

Three people were killed and forty-seven others injured. Cars were reportedly flipped through the air and debris scattered over several blocks.[1] An investigation of the cause of the disaster uncovered leaks in a pipe running below the building, which supplied propane to the heating system for the complex.
As the first shift at Falk Corp. cranked along Wednesday morning, the troubling smell of gas drifted through an annex just off the main production building.
Wednesday morning December 6, 2006.
Wednesday morning December 6, 2006.
........esda ......................................6.2 ..... pipeline explosion
CODES translated per Asimov --> COMPUTER EARTH wars
esda --> IBM VSAM ESDA
Wednesday morning December 6, 2006.
Wednesday morning December 6, 2006.
........esda ......................................6.2 ..... pipeline explosion
code 6.2 ......
IBM LU6.2 This article does not cite any sources. Please ... Logical Unit 6.2 is an IBM-originated communications protocol specification dating from 1974, ...
Logical units z/OS Communications ... A logical unit is a device or application program by ... Any device or application program that implements LU 6.2 protocols ...
In IBMs Systems Network Architecture SNA a logical unit LU identifies an end user in an SNA network By end user IBM ... of logical units. In SNA, LU 6.2 is a ...
A logical unit (LU) acts as the ... LU type 6.2 supports communication between two programs located at type 5 subarea nodes, ... Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, ...
The hex number FA converts to 250 in Decimal and 11111010 in binary.
Combat Recovery in Urban Baghdad During uprisings by the Muqtada Militia, the task force was required to conduct numerous recovery operations deep ...
Nov 7, 2013 - Kathryn J. Stalbaum missed her school bus Tuesday morning and texted a friend she'd ride her bike to Kettle Moraine High School instead.
Nov 11, 2013 - Kathryn Stalbaum, who disappeared Nov. ... school bus and would be riding her bike to Kettle Moraine High School, two miles from her home.
Nov 9, 2013 - The Waukesha County sheriff's office says Kathryn Stalbaum of the Town ... she would ride her bike the 2 miles to Kettle Moraine High School.
Below, Chicago loop
A phase-locked loop or phase lock loop (PLL) is a control system that generates an output signal whose phase is related to the phase of an input signal. While there are several differing types, it is easy to initially visualize as an electronic circuit consisting of a variable frequency oscillator and a phase detector.
Nov 11, 2013 - - Kathryn Stalbaum, a 15-year-old girl Wisconsin girl who disappeared Nov. 5 while riding her bike to school, was found safe in Chicago Friday night after approaching a Chicago police officer for help, reports CBS affiliate WDJT. ... Officials say Stalbaum left Wisconsin of her own
Nov 9, 2013 - TOWN OF GENESEE (WITI) -- Kathryn Stalbaum, the 15-year-old Waukesha County girl who had been missing since Tuesday, November 5th, ..
...... her age 15 ...... number 15 amino acid pointer signal to 20 amino acids ....
and her age 15 pointer to the murder of age 15 Boy Scout Sam Hengel and the cover-up in Marinette Wisconsin
Nov 30, 2010 - Samuel Hengel died Tuesday morning at a Green Bay, Wis., hospital ... The 15-year-old boy who held 23 students and a teacher hostage in a ...
Nov 30, 2010 - The 15-year-old boy who shot himself after taking 23 chromosome students and a teacher hostage at his school in Wisconsin dies of his wounds.
Most algorithms are intended to be implemented as computer programs. However,algorithms are also implemented by other means, such as in a biological neural …
An algorithm is a set of instructions that leads to a predictable result. Most people encounter algorithms every day when...
Above, notice her secret hand-signal of 5 fingers
--> 2 + 5 fingers = 7 giving number 27
Then her secret bio-math .....
blood mathematical signal code ....
................hemat --> information pointer to
................hematology SECRET SOCIETY
Then her secret bio-math .....
blood mathematical signal code .... numbers 73 and 27 added --> 100
thus the number 100 in the alpha/numeric SYMBOL string ..B100D
-> that is --> B + 100 + D
--> B (alphabet) 100 (decimal) D (alphabet)
--> B (base 10 decimal) 100 Data .....
In addition, she used number 73 --> MIRROR --> 37 --> 37 Celsius human temperature
...aka ..her secret identity as a woman ...... that is in slang compliment words for females ....
..a hot tomato.
Thus ...her secret atomic code --> hot tomato --> tomato
...... tomato
...... tom ato
...... tom ato ...that is a am(american tomato)
...... atom atom ..thus the red tomato ..as an atomic equation
that gives us the atomic basis (red tomato) --> pointer to
the red blood cell (like a red tomato)
www.webmd.com › Cold, Flu, & Cough › Flu Guide
May 11, 2015 - Bird flu, or avian influenza, is a viral infection spread from bird to bird. Currently, a particularly deadly strain of bird flu -- H5N1 -- continues to spread among poultry in Egypt and in certain parts of Asia. Technically, H5N1 is a highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus. It's deadly to most birds.

Germanwings Flight 9525 (4U9525/GWI18G) was a scheduled international passenger flight ... On 24 March 2015, the aircraft, an Airbus A320-211, crashed 100 kilometres (62 mi) north-west of Nice in the ... The crash was deliberately caused by the co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz, who had previously been
Germanwings Flight 9525 co-pilot Andreas Lubitz deliberately crashed the plane, killing all 150 people on board, officials said. ... Updated 9:38 PM ET, Thu March 26, 2015. Chat with us in .... Wreckage is seen at the crash site on March 24.
Apr 2, 2015 - Germanwings crash: Co-pilot researched suicide methods, cockpit doors ... Updated 1:11 AM ET, Sat April 25, 2015 .... bringing down Germanwings Flight 9525
in the French Alps(Alps --> Alphabets WAR in the SYMBOL WORLD of
newspaper bull-shit and/or incomplete explanations ) on March 24, killing all 150 on board.

CICS (Customer Information Control System) is a family of application servers and connectors that provides industrial-strength, online transaction management ...
IBM® CICS® Transaction Server is a family of scalable general-purpose transaction processing solutions for z/OS®, VSE/ESA, and distributed platforms. ... CICS Transaction Server for z/OS: Is the premier enterprise-grade, mixed-language application server. ... CICS Transaction Server for ...
The IBM System/370 (S/370) was a model range of IBM mainframe computers announced on ... The new S/370-158 and -168; Four new operating systems: DOS/VS (DOS with virtual storage), OS/VS1 (OS/360 MFT with ..... Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.
Job Control Language (JCL) is a name for scripting languages used on IBM mainframe ... In both DOS and OS JCL the first "card" must be the JOB card, which:.
The OS war in Os BAL region --> Oslo Baltic region

Stop thinking of the speed of light as an arbitrary limit to velocity. It's better to think of "the speed of light" not as an actual speed but as a limitation to how you can ...
Jun 2, 2011 - Namely, why is the speed of light what it is (186,000 miles per second). Does string theory try to answer this? I've read that physics predicts ...
Amateur radio (also called ham radio) describes the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless ...
American Radio Relay League
Amateur Radio (ham radio) is a popular hobby and service that brings people, electronics and communication together. People use ham radio to talk across ...
A barcode is an optical, machine-readable, representation of data; the data usually describes something about the object that carries the barcode. Originally barcodes systematically represented data by varying the widths and spacings of parallel lines, and may be referred to as linear or one-dimensional (1D).
Use the CGI form below to generate a printable and scan-able barcode in Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 39, Code 128 A, B, or C symbologies. This free service can be used to generate individual barcodes or called via URL's to include inline PNG or JPEG images directly into your documents.
Use the CGI form below to generate a printable and scan-able barcode in Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 39, Code 128 A, B, or C symbologies. This free service can be used to generate individual barcodes or called via URL's to include inline PNG or JPEG images directly into your documents.
QR Code Generator. ·
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Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Aug 16, 2009 - It ended with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett lying in a pool of blood with a ... West Allis Police Chief Mike Jungbluth described Peters as a ...
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Aug 20, 2009 - Peters then "freaked out" on Tom Barrett, punching him in the face and ... he and his family members were leaving State Fair Park in West Allis.
The Louise story .... Louise Khan wife of Jack Khan SR
The Far Horizons opened in 1957, and the following year,
another Colony guest, Jack Kahn,SR ... a retired television and hosiery executive from Milwaukee, bought out the Levitas ...
25, 1936 - Oct. 24, 2009 Jack Kahn, Jr., 72, of Sarasota, went to be with his angels ... where he managed his father's resort, The Far Horizons on Longboat Key.
Jack Kahn, Jr.
Jack Kahn, Jr.
Jack Kahn, Jr --> Job Region.
..... latitude, longitude, altitude
Jan 21, 2008 - In the Key's early days, Far Horizons was THE elite hotel-restaurant. ... The original owners were Jack Kahn Sr (System region). and Herb (data field) Field, two names ...
CICS supports access to the following types of data set, Key-sequenced data set (KSDS), Entry-sequenced data set (ESDS) and Relative record data set ...

Longboat KEY ----> as Nature's systems ..... ; KEY SEQUENCED data set
In a key-sequenced data set, logical records are placed in the data set in ascending collating sequence by a field, called the key. Figure 10 shows that the key ...
Example 1: Allocate a Key-Sequenced Data Set .....
the creation of the SYMBOL WORLD and the assignment of data set names to EARTH physical geography regions giving COMPUTER EARTH
--> Longboat KEY
--> Lido KEY
--> Siesta Key
The following example shows allocating a key-sequenced data set: //DDNAME DD DSNAME=KSDATA,DISP=(NEW,KEEP), // SPACE=(80,(20,2)),AVGREC=U ...
May 22, 2012 - Richard Nixon liked to get away from it all. This house, at 468 Bay Lane, on Key Biscayne, sits on property originally ... It has seven bedrooms, nine bathrooms, and 100 feet of water frontage, facing west along Biscayne Bay.

A nickname for Warren Buffett, who is arguably one of the greatest investors of all time. He is called the "Oracle of Omaha" because his investment picks and ...
Warren Edward Buffett is an American business magnate, investor and philanthropist. He is ... Buffett is often referred to as the "Wizard of Omaha" or "Oracle of Omaha," or the "Sage of Omaha," and is noted for his adherence to value investing ...
Aug 30, 2016 - Warren Buffett: 5 Things You Can Learn From the Man Who Invested $1 Billion in ... The “Oracle from Omaha” invests in stocks that has been ...
uw.physics.wisc.edu › String Theory
Feb 6, 2007 - String theory addresses one of the deepest problems of contemporary physics, namely the reconciliation of gravity and quantum theory.
Aug 2, 2016 - Known as the "Oracle of Omaha," Warren Buffett is an investment guru and one of the richest and most respected businessmen in the world.
Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, has been hailed as 'The Oracle of Omaha' -- the world's greatest investor. He has also received a fair share of ...
Ellison co-founded Oracle Corporation in 1977 with Bob Miner and Ed Oates under the name Software Development Laboratories (SDL). Ellison took inspiration from the 1970 paper written by Edgar F. Codd on relational database management systems (RDBMS) named "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks."
Number of employees: 136,262 (Q4 FY2016)
Revenue: US$37.04 billion (2016)

Basic Assembly Language (BAL) is the commonly used term for a low-level programming language used on IBM System/360 and successor mainframes.
Each program must establish a base register immediately after it saves the calling program's registers. When selecting a base register, keep in mind that:
The USING and DROP assembler instructions enable you to use expressions representing implicit addresses as operands of machine instruction statements, ...
Absolute addresses used in a source module must also be made addressable. Absolute addresses require a base register other than the base register assigned ...
Jul 6, 2016 - Multiple base registers. The values provided by the automatic insertion of the DFHEIENT macro might be inadequate for application programs ..

class war -->
Class Theory Marx's class theory rests on the premise that "the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." According to this view, ever ...
Jump to Origins of Marx's theory - Marxists explain the history of "civilized" societies in terms of a war of classes between those who control production and those who produce the goods or services in society. In the Marxist view of capitalism, this is a conflict between capitalists (bourgeoisie) and wage-workers (the proletariat).
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Aug 19, 2004 - Principia Mathematica [PM] by A.N. Whitehead and Bertrand .... variable precedes a complex variable, the result indicates a class, as in x ^ ϕ x .
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
May 21, 1996 - Principia Mathematica, the landmark work in formal logic written by Alfre
In Principia Mathematica, however, a class, or rather the function which defines it, will be of a higher order than its members. Hence the totality of all of Frege's ...
code word --> March again
code word --> March again --> agin --> a gain --> amplifier gain -->
organic molecules .... march / move in social chemistry ....
generating data .....amplifier gain ........ thus a molecule HUMAN expression group equivalence to --->
whatis.techtarget.com › Topics › Computer Science › Electronics
The amplification factor, also called 'gain,' is the extent to which an analog amplifier boosts the strength of a signal. Amplification factors are usually expressed in ...
In electronics, gain is a measure of the ability of a two port circuit (often an amplifier) to increase the power or amplitude of a signal from the input to the output port by adding energy converted from some power supply to the signal.
On 25 March 1965, Martin Luther King led thousands of nonviolent demonstrators to the steps of the capitol in Montgomery, Alabama, after a 5-day, 54-mile ...
Below, carbon black representatives march ...... and the Charles Darwin code -->
Selma --> sel + ma --> Selection map

Jump to Hugo's sources - Les Misérables is a French historical novel by Victor Hugo, first published in 1862, that is considered one of the greatest ...
Editorial Reviews. Review. "Hugo's genius was for the creation of simple and recognizable myth. The huge success of Les Misérables as a didactic work on ...
www.goodreads.com › Cultural › France
Rating: 4.1 - 531,085 votes
In Les Misérables Victor Hugo takes readers deep into the Parisian underworld, immerses them in a battle between good and evil, and carries them onto the ...
A management information system (MIS) focuses on the management of information systems to ... The first era (mainframe and minicomputer) was ruled by IBM and their mainframe computers; these computers would often take up whole rooms ...
A management information system (MIS) is a computerized database of financial ... IBM had its start in 1911; it was then called Computing-Tabulating-Recording ...
An assembly (or assembler) language, often abbreviated asm, is a low-level programming ... Assembly language may also be called symbolic machine code. ..... Similarly, IBM assemblers for System/360 and System/370 use the extended ... be far shorter, requiring fewer lines of source code, as with higher level languages.

searchdatacenter.techtarget.com › Linux servers › Programming
CICS (Customer Information Control System) is an online transaction processing (OLTP) program from IBM that, together with the COBOL programming language
To call the installation script, you will have to access your new website via your web browser. For example, if you are installing b2evolution within the ...
Install b2evolution with one click | SimpleScripts 
SimpleScripts provides a one click installation of b2evolution. Try it on your hosting ... Install b2evolution. Description; Versions; License; Issues; Script List ...
Host Review Script and WebHostingGeeks Clone Script has some common features that have been listed on Features page. Here are some specific features ...
SimpleScripts Web Hosting Recommendations ... need to put your business or personal site online — and to manage it for years to come: FREE domain name, ...
Ixonia is a town in Jefferson County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 4,385 at the 2010 census. The unincorporated communities of Ixonia and ...

Tragic history WORDS repeat themselves ...until they receive a accurate anwser
Words----> Near the Kosovo village of Urosevac
.......................earth.................village U rose --> the college village of U rose
The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1, 2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Chris Harper-Mercer, a 26-year-old enrolled at the school, fatally shot an assistant professor and eight students in a classroom. Seven to nine others were injured.
Words----> Near the Kosovo village of Urosevac
Words----> Near the Kosovo village of U ro sevac
Words----> Near the K ..thinK .... Villains Umpqua roseburg severence orders
issued by the PROTEIN (SYSTEM) MACHINE .. code intials (PM)
................................EINS --
................................Einstein-Rosen (communications) BRIDGE failure in
Nature's molecular cell biology/ protein THOUGHT and
protein SOCIAL ENGINEERING expression region
of the Pacific Standard TIME ZONE
A wormhole or "Einstein-Rosen Bridge" is an existential physics ...... topological feature that would fundamentally be a shortcut connecting two separate points in EARTHLY ...human space/ time and their data generating daily activities WITHIN earthly space/time bio-computer CMS (Content Management Regions).
Luther at the Imperial Diet of Worms (1521). Background. Luther, who through the church's excommunication was practically declared a heretic, was invited to ...
Jump to Martin Luther - The Diet of Worms 1521 was an imperial diet (assembly) of the Holy Roman Empire held at the Heylshof Garden in Worms, then ...
Before the wormhole was discovered by Commander Benjamin Sisko and Lieutenant Jadzia Dax in 2369, it was considered to be a myth. (DS9: "Emissary") ...
The wormhole was discovered in 2369 by Commander Benjamin Sisko and Lieutenant Jadzia Dax. (DS9 episode: "Emissary"). On the Gamma Quadrant side of ...
Discovered on stardate 46379.1 by Deep Space Nine science officer Jadzia Dax, the Bajoran Wormhole is the first and only completely stable wormhole known ...
Diet of Worms, meeting of the Diet (assembly) of the Holy Roman Empire held at Worms, Germany, in 1521 that was made famous by Martin Luther’s appearance before it to respond to charges of heresy. ... Martin Luther’s appearance before the Diet of Worms, Germany, 1521.
Commander Benjamin Sisko was the first man to fly through the newly-opened wormhole. ... When the Bajorans learned about Sisko's experience, they identified him with their religion's Emissary.(DS9: "Emissary") For a long time, Sisko remained skeptical of who the aliens were.
It was said in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Rapture" that if Bajor joins the United Federation of Planets, most of the Bajoran Militia would be absorbed into Starfleet. ... Notable members of the Bajoran militia included Major Kira Nerys and Odo. Kai. The Kai is the supreme religious leader of the Bajoran faith.
Diet of Worms, meeting of the Diet (meeting of IBM assembly programmers) of the Holy Roman Empire held at Worms, Germany, in 1521
held .t Wo rms, Ge --> Two rooms with Ge = General Electric(k)
General Electric(k)
General Electric(k)
General Elec tric(k) ... scheme problems
Green plants are green because they contain a pigment called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs certain wavelengths of light within the visible light spectrum. ... Green light is not absorbed but reflected, making the plant appear green. Chlorophyll is found in the chloroplasts of plants.
Chlorophyll absorbs energy from light strongly at visible frequencies. Chlorophyll is vital for photosynthesis, which allows plants to absorb energy from light. Chlorophyll molecules are specifically arranged in and around photosystems that are embedded in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts.
Apr 12, 2015 - Chlorophyll-a, the common green pigment you are referring to, isn't the only pigment in your average green leaf. There is also chlorophyll-b ...
the green pigment you are referring to, isn't the only pigment in your average green leaf. There is also .....
the green pig men ................
The Green Bay Packers colors ..yellow and green
--> information pointers to --> Nature's sunlight and the BOTANY photosynthesis equation
The Green Bay Packers are a professional American football team based in Green Bay, Wisconsin. They compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a ...
View the latest Green Bay Packers news, scores, schedule, stats, roster, standings, players, fantasy leaders, rumors, videos, photos, injuries, transactions and ..
Pro Football Hall of Fame
Joe Namath. Quarterback. “Broadway Joe”. Joe Namath. 13 seasons. 27,663 passing yards. 173 TDs. + Add to Favorites Player Menu Toggle ..